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big one例句
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I would rather have the small one than the big one.


Many small victories add up to a big one.


The company is an outstanding example of a small business that grew into a big one.


He broke the bread up into chunks and gave Meer a big one.


There might be a big one around that school, he thought.

个鱼群周围很可能有一条大的, 他想.

But last year we had a big one.


I just saw a big one!


If mother had given me these oranges, I would give you the big one.

“如果妈妈给我这些橘子, 我会给你那个大的. ”

Bill liked oranges, so he kept the big one and gave the small one to John.

比尔喜欢吃橘子, 于是他把大的留下来,把小的给了约翰.

We use the small dragonfly as bait to fish the big one.


There are many small diamonds roud the big one. They twinkling stars.

大钻石周围有许多小钻石, 它们便是闪烁的群星.

Especially the big one who laughs with all her teeth.


Another big one is consumer electronics, perhaps the most surprising new territory.

另一大周边市场就是家用电子产品, 这也许是最令人惊讶的新领域.

Have you seen Tom Smith's conker ? He's got ever such big one!

你看到过汤姆史密斯的七叶树 吗 ?他有一棵非常大的七叶树.

Oh, a diamond ring. And do buy a great big one , Rhett.

噢, 钻石戒指. 要大颗点的, 瑞德.

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